Who knew the complexities of PPE
for the menopausal physician
Who could have predicted
Hormonal Fluctuations
would reach
a whole, new Height of Experience?
Imagine 55 years, down-graded ovaries, a few chin hairs
Imagine a deadly malady, universal whole world precautions, a plastic mask
It is the new reality
no going back
no return to puberty
no return to pre-viral life
I smile, mask, shield
I hydrate, smile, mask, shield, fog
I dress lightly, hydrate, smile, mask, shield, fog, flush
I frown, dress lightly, hydrate, mask, shield, fog, flush, sweat
Profusely, all over, little trickles
for 30 seconds, brows dripping, blurry vision, salty sting, bumping walls
These distractions are not mindful moments
They derail my focus
They remind me of my humanness, motherhood, doctoring, aging
This tiny flaming demon, proclaiming control over me, for an angry spell, unpredictable
Then calm, cool, so cool, maybe a bit chilled even, lovely
Purgatorial Peri-menopausal Eruptions